Novena prayer to st rita of cascia
Novena prayer to st rita of cascia

novena prayer to st rita of cascia

We ask this through the same Christ Our Lord. Take pity on our distress, O Lord, and grant us the grace that when Christ comes again we may go out to meet him bearing the harvest of good works achieved by your grace. Grant that we may feel all the happiness Our Saviour brings and celebrate his birth with glad and solemn rites. O God, you see your people look forward with faith to the feast of the Lord's birth. In joyful expectation of your coming, we humbly entreat you: come, Lord Jesus, and save us in this present age. We pray the St Rita Prayer and Novena for her to intercede for us to God in times of impossible cases and special needs. Emmanuel, our king and lawgiver, long awaited Saviour of the nations. We ask this through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and the intercession of is Blessed Mother. Hear our prayers during this Novena, and grant our petitions: may we not grow faint on our journey as we wait for your healing presence. Clear a pathway in our hearts to make ready for your only Son, so that when he comes we may serve you in sincerity of heart. Give us, O Lord, the grace to await with joy the celebration of the glorious day of our Saviour's birth. In preparation for Christmas: Hail and blessed be the hour and the moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight in Bethlehem. Tolentine's Septenary Mass for the Dead.Novena prayer to Our Lady of Consolation.VIDEO: Pilgrimage to Cascia (Mgr Daniel McHugh).Hymn to Saint Rita II: Glorious name our own Saint Rita.Hymn to Saint Rita I: Come Virgins chaste.The following are testimonials that have been submitted to me with permission to post. Help me this day to give myself to Him as you did, without limit, without fear, without counting the cost. Help me to be as trusting of God in all His plans for me. You will find that nothing is impossible if you believe in the power of St. Rita, during your entire life on earth you found your happiness by following the will of our heavenly Father. Rita of Cascia for strength and faith when everything seems impossible.

novena prayer to st rita of cascia

Sean Flannery OAR (Golden Jubilee of Priesthood) My prayer for you is that you will begin to say this prayer and turn to St. Augustinian Recollect Secular Fraternity.

Novena prayer to st rita of cascia